


In 2019, segments of the Nashua, Squannacook and Nissitissit Rivers were designated as scenic rivers under the National Park Service’s Wild & Scenic Rivers System, reflecting the ecological, historical, cultural and recreational value of these natural assets.  The designation speaks to the decades of hard work by residents, conservation groups and state and federal agencies to protect these rivers, as well as the streams and aquifers surrounding them. 

But receiving that Wild & Scenic designation doesn’t mean we are “done.” In fact, we are never done working to protect these rivers because the threats remain. Fifty years ago it was industrial pollution and acid rain. Today it is climate change and stormwater runoff.   We all need to do our part to protect these critical natural resources and habitats. This page provides links to information and success stories to show how each one of can make a difference.  

We all must be stewards of the land we inhabit - future generations depend on it. Thank you for doing your part!

Think Blue Massachusetts is a statewide educational campaign to help residents and businesses do their part to reduce polluted runoff and keep our state’s lakes, rivers, and streams clean and healthy. Please visit their website here for tips on how you can help prevent stormwater pollution from your home.

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 Do not copy or reproduce in any form for any reason without written permission from Nashoba Conservation Trust.      

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