


The Pepperell Trail Guide describes fifteen conservation areas and almost 20 miles of trails, some of which pass through or alongside some of Pepperell’s most stunning natural areas, including the Nashua and Nissitissit Rivers, Heald Pond and Gulf Brook Ravine.  

The conservation land described in the Guide is open to the public for walking, biking, horseback riding and other passive recreational activities. Importantly, these protected open spaces also provide vital habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna, including several listed as rare and endangered species.

The fifteen conservation areas featured here are have marked trails, natural history descriptions and directions to parking. In addition passive recreational use by the public, these protected parcels provide vital habitat for a wide variety of flora and fauna, including several listed as rare and endangered species. The owners and managers of the properties differ for each, but include NCT, the Town of Pepperell and the State of Massachusetts. 

The trail guide is available in two downloadable formats:

Click here to download a pdf version of the trail guide.

Click here to download a version on Apple Books.

‍ When on all conservation land, please leave the land as you found it.  For the safety and enjoyment of all who use these trails, please control dogs out with you.

See open space properties in Pepperell here (NCT properties are light green) 

Visit the Town of Pepperell website here for more information on Pepperell’s protected properties

All rights reserved.    All content on this site property of Nashoba Conservation Trust. 

 Do not copy or reproduce in any form for any reason without written permission from Nashoba Conservation Trust.      

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