


NCT, Pepperell and Local Area Articles

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to a successful fundraiser! It is because of the generosity of so many that we were able to raise close to $8,500. These funds will help our communities with legal fees and experts in our ongoing efforts to stop the pipeline. Read more here…..

August 19 – the Groton Board of Selectmen passed a new resolution – “Moved, that no Private Company or Corporation shall be allowed to conduct surveying activity on any public way within the Town of Groton for the purpose of a natural gas pipeline project, without the express written consent of the Board of Selectmen, until such time as a Public Interest Determination has been made in accordance with the applicable Federal Energy Regulatory Commission application process for such project.”

This was followed up with a letter to Tennessee Gas land agent Jim Hartman – Letter to TGP Co. re Survey on Public Roads 081914

Board members of Nashoba Conservation Trust were among those who met on August 5 with Massachusetts Energy & Environmental Affairs officials to discuss Massachusett’s and New England’s energy needs, as well as the Kinder Morgan proposal. This followed the July 30 meeting with the Governor at which he committed to revisiting the Low Demand Scenario. There will be updates as details emerge as to when the new study will move forward.

Attendee Rose Wessel of No Fracked Gas in Mass put together an overview – read more here 

In an effort to help support our communities in the path of the proposed ‘Northeast Energy Direct’ pipeline, area businesses signed on to ‘Stop the Pipeline’. read more here…

Natural gas pipeline shifts to N.H. – Lowell Sun, December 06, 2014

My Turn: A plan to power NH – Concord Monitor, December 6, 2014

In face of opposition, company to reroute gas pipeline – The Boston Globe, December 05, 2014

New pipeline route would leave out local towns – Sentinel and Enterprise, November 26, 2014

Groton selectman quits Nashoba chamber over Kinder Morgan sponsorship – Sentinel and Enterprise, November 17, 2014

Pepperell coalition seeks answers from utility – Lowell Sun, September 25, 2014

Natural-gas pipeline begins federal review process – Lowell Sun, September 17, 2014

Kinder Morgan Applies For Pipeline Pre-Filing Approval From FERC – The Groton Line, September 16, 2014

Donoghue brings sweet treats – States opposition to pipeline route – Nashoba Publishing, September 05, 2014 

Pepperell resident continues fight against natural-gas pipeline – Lowell Sun, September 5, 2014

Pipeline draws skepticism, protests from lawmakers – Nashoba Publishing, August 6, 2014

Residents pepper pipeline proponent at Lunenburg forum – Sentinel and Enterprise, August 6, 2014

Kinder Morgan isn’t local – Sentinel and Enterprise, August 5, 2014

Winchendon voters unanimous against pipeline – Telegram and Gazette – August 4, 2014Environmental legend Marion Stoddart joins pipeline walk in Pepperell – Sentinel and Enterprise, July 23, 2014

Activists against pipeline reach Ashby, Townsend – Sentinel and Enterprise, July 21, 2014

Pipeline foes take their fight to streets – Pepperell Free Press, July 18, 2014

Few in local towns support gas pipeline proposal – Communities raising flags over plan to expand Tennessee Gas network – Boston Globe, July 17, 2014 Click here for PHOTOS

June 30, 2014 – The Town of Pepperell unanimously passed aResolution Opposing the Northeast Expansion of the Tennessee Gas Pipeline in Massachusetts

Read more here: Pepperell residents take decisive stand against pipeline – Lowell Sun, June 30, 2014

Right-Sizing Energy Infrastructure sign-on letter June 24 2014 – NCT signed on with ‘A diverse coalition of over 100 businesses, consumer groups, academics, and organizations focused on the environment, public health, and pipeline safety today submitted a letter to New England’s Governors…’

Townsend board refuses survey permission for pipeline company – Lowell Sun, June 25, 2014

Groton digs in for gas-pipeline battle – Lowell Sun, June 24, 2014

Pipeline workers told ‘cease and desist;’ Aggressive tactics lead to order, demand for meeting – Andover Townsman Online, June 19, 2014

Pipeline workers told ‘cease and desist;’ Aggressive tactics lead to order, demand for meeting – See more at:

Pipeline workers told ‘cease and desist;’ Aggressive tactics lead to order, demand for meeting – See more at:

Official at Groton meeting: Politics driving pipeline proposal – Lowell Sun, June 16, 2014

Dear Editor: There Are Alternatives To The Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline – The Groton Line, June 14, 2014

Pepperell homeowners continue pipeline fight – Lowell Sun, June 5, 2014

Pepperell officials pursue united front against pipeline – Lowell Sun, June 3, 2014

Groton residents dig in for natural-gas pipeline fight – Lowell Sun, May 30, 2014

Natural Gas Pipeline Proposed to Traverse Northern Sections of Groton – Groton Herald, May 30, 2014

Residents’ Concerns About Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline: “Many more Questions than Answers” – Groton Herald, May 28, 2014

It’s not clean, cheap, safe or needed! – Pepperell Free Press, May 23, 2014

Activist rallies pipeline opposition in Townsend – Lowell Sun, May 23, 2014

Pepperell board, residents pan pipeline plan – Lowell Sun, May 12, 2014

Pipeline plan raising big concerns – Pepperell Free Press, May 9, 2014

Pepperell to play role of David in upcoming production of Tennessee natural-gas pipeline extension – Editorial written by Pepperell resident and impacted homeowner Vincent Premus

Local Residents Vow Action at Pepperell Pipeline Meeting – Lowell Sun, May 7, 2014

Beware Permission to Survey Your Land – Editorial by Rob Rand, NCT Board of Directors and Pepperell Conservation Commissioner

Pepperell Board of Selectmen, May 12, 2014 – Pipeline Expansion Project – VIDEO

Pipeline draws skepticism, protests from lawmakers

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